Sweet Bread with fillings

  1. Mix 1tsp yeast into 3/4 cups warm milk.
  2. Mix 2.5 cups of flour with 1/2 tsp salt and 1 tbsp sugar.
  3. Make a hole in middle of #2, pull in #1 and add one egg.
  4. Knead and add 2tbsp butter. knead another 3 minutes till dough soft and clean.
  5. Seal with lid and set for 30 minutes.
  6. Knead for more then apply a layer of oil outside the dough.
  7. Raise for one hours or until double size.
  8. Flat the dough on surface and cut to small strips
  9. Layer it with fillings like raisin or red bean paste.
  10. Roll up and set in grease container and raise it for another hour or until double size.
  11. Preheat oven to 350 degree and spray egg and sprinkle some sesame on top.
  12. bake for 15 minutes then cover the top and continue bake for another 10 minutes.

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